Friday, 3 June 2016

I Actually Won an Awesome Prize! How Great is That?

Inspired by… V&A Exhibition: Private View and Awards

The Venue

The Emma Cons Hall at the Morley College is rather grand and has a well-lit stage above which a cinema screen projects the Inspired by… exhibition logo.

Champagne is being served from a long reception table draped in crisp white linen..
The atmosphere of the great hall is abuzz with artists and their guests. Waiters are weaving through the crowd serving trays of tasty treats. From a wandering waiter I choose a caviar canapé and I gulp it down in one mouthful of deliciousness. I love caviar and grab another one.

The atmosphere of the great hall is abuzz with artists and their guests. Waiters are weaving through the crowd serving trays of tasty treats. From a wandering waiter I choose a caviar canapé and I gulp it down in one mouthful of deliciousness. I love caviar and grab another one.

caviar canapé
The Awards
There are nine categories. I applaud politely as the winner of each category goes up on stage, one by one, to collect their award.
Then, I hear… “The winner of the Ceramic category is…
It registers that this is my category. I hold my breath.
Then I hear the unlikely pronouncing of my name. I look around (rather stupid to do that, isn't it?). But, I need confirmation – Have I heard what I have just heard?
Everyone is smiling and making wavy arm movements ushering me towards the stage. ‘Go on!’ they urge.
‘Oh my goodness!' I gasp. 'I don't believe it! I am the winner of the Ceramics category!'
I stumble forward and up towards the dais in a daze.
‘I’ve won! How absolutely marvellously extraordinarily brilliant is that!’

I am presented with my prize and listen while some really nice stuff is said about my work and then I skip back to my table with my award in my hand and a huge grin upon my face.


Time for another quaff of champagne methinks! 

A pat on the back
After a photo call with the other category winners I am approached by someone connected with the awards who says “Your work has so moved me! (obviously knows her stuff) Please may I give you some advice?” I nod, and she leans closer to say confidentially “Keep away from the potters wheel! Do not go near the wheel! (Is she warning me of some portent?) The honourable lady goes on to explain, “Your talent is in your hands! I hope you will carry on with creating ceramic sculpture.”

I feel overwhelmed and thank her for the compliment. We shake hands.

(Wow! If that doesn't encourage me to go home and do more ceramic sculpture as soon as possible – nothing will!)
As I make my way back to my table she calls after me.

“Keep away from the wheel!” And I nod, and smile. 'Righto!' I say.
Garden Party
The heady evening progresses, and we are all invited to go into the garden where a live band is playing and yet more champagne is being served.
The music is good, and I sip more champagne
In the garden beneath the fresh Spring green shady canopy we consume more canapés. The scent of blossom fragrances the warm evening air.
beneath the fresh spring green shady canopy
Another pat on the back
I get a pat on the back (causing violent choking and spluttering out my champagne) I turn with dribbles down my chin and see someone I knew years ago standing behind me (small world!). ‘Well, well, well, Annie Smutts! Haven't seen you in years!’ I remark. She asks me if I'm still writing poetry.

The Exhibition
I am impressed by the work on display here. There is a lot of talent and I am privileged to have been included in such good company.
There is an exceptional wall hanging created by the designer and artist Clare Maxwell-Hudson. I am even more impressed when she tells me that the stylish garment she is wearing - a remarkable fusion of hand dyed turquoise silks and felts – is also her own personal creation.

artist Clare Maxwell-Hudson

My eye is also caught by a sculptural installation of re-formed glass. We need a new lamp at home and I would love this!

More to see

There is so much to see - but I shall have to return another day to concentrate properly on it as the affluent influence of champagne is beginning to affect my vision -  and I don't want to make any involuntary ‘champagne induced’ lurches towards valuable ceramic exhibits, now do I?
Walking in the Rain

The exhibition runs until the 17th June at the Morley Gallery so there’s still time to see it.

'till next time!